Words by Anna Fernie
Hi! I’m Anna, and as part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week, I’m sharing my experience as an apprentice at Maryhill Burgh Halls. But first, lets talk about Scottish Apprenticeship week.
This special week is dedicated to promoting apprenticeships in Scotland, and all the incredible opportunities they can bring. From engineering to working with children, there are almost no limits to the variety of apprenticeships available. On top of that, they allow you to work in the field you choose, rather than being stuck in a classroom! There are several types of apprenticeships available, making these accessible to all ages and experience levels. Interested? I hope so, as this week is the perfect time to check out the options available and peek at the events happening. Click here to find out more!
Anna’s design 1
Anna’s design 2
My own experience as an apprentice has been incredibly positive, and I have loved working at the Halls. Being able to go out and gain experience in my field has been great, and has additionally really benefited my CV. Personally, I am completing a Foundation Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media and have been on this work placement since September.
Anna’s flyer for the Glasgow Orchestral Society exhibition
During the time I’ve been working at the Halls, I’ve worked on many different projects, but mainly the social media posts that you have been seeing in the past months. Not only I came up with content to post, but I also developed the captions and worked on the visuals. I was also asked to create a video to celebrate the events and achievements of 2021! From taking photographs to produce ad hoc images, I had the opportunity to learn about several aspects of digital communications.
The most exciting project I have worked on at the Halls has to be our newest exhibition, Glasgow Orchestral Society: Celebrating 100 Years. With the help of the incredible people working here, I created the poster and graphic for the exhibition, and seeing my work getting used in a real-world context was amazing and extremely rewarding.
If you are interested in learning through experience, I would highly recommend checking out apprenticeships, and seeing what works for you. With this being the perfect week to do so, there is even more information and opportunities available, so don’t miss out!